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Casement vs Double-Hung Windows For Your Northern Virginia Home

Written by WD Showplace | Nov 16, 2021 4:56:06 PM

Is it time to replace your windows? Fall and winter are both excellent seasons to do so, and the first step is choosing the right window type. To do this, you will need to choose between casement windows and double-hung windows. The debate about casement vs. double-hung has people on both sides of the fence, and both window types have their own unique benefits. At Window & Door Showplace, we want you to know which fits your needs best, so here is a guide to these different window types.

What Are Double Hung and Casement Windows?

Double-hung windows are the type of window you’re probably thinking of when you think of residential windows. These windows have top and bottom sashes that open up and down, so you can get ventilation and easily clean your windows. Some double-hung windows have a tilting design that makes them even easier to clean.

Casement windows, on the other hand, swing outward using a window crank mechanism inside your home. This can allow a larger window without the division between the two sashes.


Which Is a Better Window Choice?

One of the most frequently asked questions about windows is whether double-hung or casement windows are the best choice. Both have their benefits and drawbacks, and both provide efficient operation. Here are some considerations to make as you choose the windows for your home.



Double-hung and casement windows each have a unique aesthetic, but both can be beneficial to your home. They come in both wood or vinyl styles and in a wide range of colors. For aesthetics, the two options come out fairly even. That said, casement windows are more contemporary looking, while double-hung windows are a traditional, classic look. For this particular category, you will likely need to consider the overall look of your home, and choose a window that fits.



New casement windows and double-hung windows are both easy to clean. For casement windows, crank them open and clean interior and exterior panels. For double-hung windows, tilt the window in to clean it easily. This is another area where the two window styles come out fairly even.


Longevity and Durability

The durability and longevity of the windows are one area where they are different. Double-hung windows open up and down, so the interior panels are not exposed to the elements. Also, they are more secure in the frame as a result. This makes them more durable than casement windows, which swing outward and have more exposure to the elements. This difference is particularly impactful in wet climates.


Energy Efficiency

If energy efficiency is your goal, you’ll get more with casement windows. When closed, they seal tightly on all sides, so you get virtually no draft. That said, modern double-hung windows are designed to minimize draft, so the difference is not huge. Casement windows do edge out double-hung slightly in the energy efficiency category, however.



If you have a beautiful view, you are going to want windows with a minimal line to help you enjoy that view. Casement windows come in many designs, but some have no interior grills and do not have a bar between two panels, so you can have an unencumbered view.


Additional Considerations

There are a few additional considerations you can make about this choice. Double-hung windows have spring-loaded opening mechanisms, so they are easier to open and close. However, if anything goes wrong, such as paint that gets stuck in the window track, this mechanism won’t work properly, making them harder to close or open.

If you use a window air conditioner, you will struggle to fit it in a casement window. In fact, you’ll need a specialty unit to fit your window. In this case, double-hung is the better choice.


What’s the Bottom Line?

So that’s the bottom line about casement vs. double-hung windows? The truth is, modern designs make both of these a beautiful and efficient option for your home. You can choose the one that fits your home’s aesthetics or seems the easiest to maintain for your lifestyle. No matter which one you choose, you will get a beautiful and efficient replacement window.

To make this decision, you may want to visit our Northern Virginia windows and doors showroom to see some for yourself. You can also see examples of our past jobs online to get an idea of the difference between these two window types for yourself.

If you are shopping for energy-efficient casement windows or double-hung windows, we have a large number of options for you to consider. Contact Window & Door Showplace to discuss your needs with our experienced team. We can help you find the right double sash windows or casement windows to fit your goals, budget, and home, so you can start enjoying the benefits of more efficient, new windows. Don't forget to check out our testimonials from satisfied clients.